2020 WCAEA Summer Virtual Connections for World Chinese Art Educators! 🌎
To serve world-wide Chinese-speaking art educators, the International Affairs Division of the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA) invites you to attend our first experimental, international virtual lecture series! The theme of this summer lecture series is Global Conversation of World Chinese Arts Education. The lectures are all free, but each lecture is limited to up to 100 people. We will announce the details of each monthly lecture. Stay tuned!
Monthly Topics:
June- WCAEA Alliances Global Conversation: Arts Education in Local Contexts
July- Global Conversation: Elementary Arts Education
August- Global Conversation: When Technology Meets Arts
Where: Zoom Duration: 2 hours Format: Lecture and Q&A Maximum Capacity: 100 people (first-come, first-in)

世界华人美术教育协会(世华)国际部为了服务遍布全球的华人美术教师,首次推出国际性质的暑期线上讲座,主题是:世界华人美育-国际多元对话 (Global Conversation of World Chinese Arts Education)。本讲座属公益性质,全球同步,具体每月的讲座内容和时间会另行通知,敬请关注!
Global Conversation: Arts Education in Local Contexts
Global Conversation: Elementary Arts Education
Global Conversation: When Technology Meets Arts
形式:演讲与提问 时间长度:2小时/场 讲座平台:Zoom 参与方式:先到先得 参与人数上限:100人
